Panch Tulsi is disease resistant. It has world's best anti-oxidant, anti aging, anti-bacterial, anti – septic, anti-viral, anti-flu , anti-biotic , anti – inflammatory, and anti-disease properties. • Panch Tulsi Drop is made by using extract of 5 types of Tulsi like Shyam Tulsi, Rama Tulsi, Shwet Sursa, Van Tulsi and Nimbu Tulsi. • It is useful in more than 200 diseases like flu, swine flu, dengue , joint pain, stone, blood pressure excess weight, sugar, allergy, hepatitis, burning, urine related problem, gout, piles, pariah, haemorrhage, swollen lungs, ulcer, stress, lack of semen, tiredness,loss of appetite , vomiting , hiccups, stomach ache, stomach bug etc. • Mix 2 drops of T5 Tulsi Drop with honey to get relief from cold, cough, sneezes and headache. It's very effective in winters in unconscious condition put drops of Panch Tulsi Drop with salt in nose. It’s very effective. • Beneficial for cancer patients. Mix 2-3 drops of Panch Tulsi Drop with curd take it. Take maximum curd and milk as food. • Beneficial for a child suffering from cold, cough or loose motions, Mix one or two drops of Panch Tulsi Drop with honey and give to the child. • After lunch have one drop of Panch Tulsi Drop , it helps to cure stomach related diseases. • Panch Tulsi Drop relieves in itching, eczema etc and all other skin related diseases and wounds. • Panch Tulsi Drop purifies blood, and much helpful to increase haemoglobin. • Daily intake of 4-5 drops of Panch Tulsi Drop controls nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. A friend of women in all problems. • Especially helps in fire burns or any poisonous insect attack. • To control hair fall and premature greying of hair and dandruff, use 8 -10 drops of Panch Tulsi Drop with aloe herbal hair oil and apply on the head and forehead. For best results apply this at night and wash it in the morning. • In ear pain and ear flow, pour one drop of Panch Tulsi Drop in each ear. • In Tooth pain, cavity, bleeding gums, have gargles with warm water mixed with 4-5 drops of Panch Tulsi Drop. • To get rid of bad breath have 1-2 drops of Panch Tulsi Drop daily after meals. • Throat pain, ulcers can be relieved by Panch Tulsi Drop. • In asthma and cough have Panch Tulsi Drop with ginger ras and honey in the morning and evening. • At night mix 8-10 drops of Panch Tulsi Drop in body oil, it will relieve you from mosquito bite and you will have a sound sleep. • Mix 8-10 drops of Panch Tulsi Drop in water cooler. It helps to keep your house free from mosquitoes and makes the environment bacteria free, clean and pure. • Lice: Equal quantity of Panch Tulsi Drop and lime juice to be applied to the hair and kept for three hours. Wash hair, the lice will be dead. • Panch Tulsi Drop is very useful for heart. With the use of this regularly cholesterol level decreases and reduces blood clots, heart attack and stroke. • At the time of bath mix 8-10 drops of Panch Tulsi Drop in water and have bath you will have disease free skin. It is very useful for skin problems and eliminates stress. Use 1 drop Panch Tulsi Drop in one glass of water or tea or 2 drops in 1 litre water. With this, water will be bacteria free, healthy and hygienic. IMPORTANT : As with any supplement, if you are pregnant, nursing or taking medication, consult your doctor before use, Discontinue use two weeks prior to surgery. All product statements on this website provides general information . It is not designed to treat or diagnose disease or injury , nor it is a substitute for sound medical advice or treatment from a healthcare professional. Readers are advised to seek medical advice for any specific health concern . Individual results may vary.